Still Me
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1. In Still Me, Lou has crossed the ocean to New York City—the first time she’s been to America. As a Brit herself, Moyes spent time in New York researching the city for the novel. Do you think she’s done a good job portraying New York City and the mannerisms of Americans? What details might Moyes have focused on if Lou had visited your own city or town?

2. Agnes bemoans her relationships with her old friends, telling Lou she has fallen out of touch with them since marrying Mr. Gopnik. She says her new wealth—and the financial disparity among her friends—is the culprit. Has money ever created a rift between you and a friend? If so, how did you resolve it? If unresolved, what did you learn from the experience?

3. Family is a prominent theme in the book. Lou often feels at odds with being so far away from her close-knit family, which became especially poignant with Grandad’s death, while the Gopnik clan attempts to balance the strong attitudes—and secrets—among their own. Meanwhile, Mrs. De Witt is lucky enough to reclaim her long-lost family, finding support where there once was none. Did you recognize elements of yourself and your family within any of these relationships? Did you think Moyes portrayed the dynamics accurately?

4. Near the very end of the book, Lou writes to Sam, "All my life I’ve ended up looking after other people, fitting myself around what they need, what they wanted. I’m good at it." Yet she makes the choice to follow her own dream, to put herself first for once. Do you know anyone who is like Lou in this way? Have you seen others take advantage of people who are like Lou?

5. Lou and Sam have a turbulent long-distance relationship. Lou wants them to write to each other by snail mail, which she thinks is utterly romantic and will keep them connected. He resists, and it becomes a point of contention between them. Have you ever had a long-distant relationship? Did it work? If not, why not? What could Lou and Sam have done differently in order to save their relationship? 

6. In the very last scene, Lou is scrambling to find Sam, desperate to locate him and in a panic that he won’t show—how do you envision the rest of Lou’s story after this scene? Where does she go—and grow—from here?