Turtles All The Way Down
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1. Turtles All the Way Down is told in the first person. Why do you think this choice was made?

2. What does Aza mean when she says, "You think you’re the painter, but you’re the canvas"? How does this statement influence your perception of this story? Do you ever feel a similar way?

3. Aza describes her lunch table as "a long-running play on Broadway," describing Mychal as "the Artsy One" and Daisy as her "Best and Most Fearless Friend," relegating herself to "the Sidekick." How does this description shape your view of Aza as a protagonist? What title would you give yourself among your group of friends?

4. How does the motto "Break Hearts Not Promises" relate not only to Daisy and Aza, but to all characters in the novel?

5. Davis and Aza both feel like their names define them. Think about your name—what do you think it says about you?

6. When explaining her childhood friendship with Davis, Aza says, "I mean, anyone can look at you. It’s quite rare to find someone who sees the same world you see." Is there a person in your life who you think sees the world like you?

7. In the beginning of Turtles All the Way Down, Daisy says, "Everyone remembers you Holmesy… it’s not a value judgment. I’m not saying you’re good or generous or kind or whatever. I’m just saying you’re memorable." What do you think makes Aza memorable? People in general?

8. When Aza says, "Whether it hurts is kind of irrelevant," Davis declares it to be a pretty good life motto. How does this come into play throughout the novel? Do you agree or disagree with the statement?