A Gentleman In Moscow
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  1. Do you find the Count an appealing, even memorable character?
  2. How do you see the Count changing during the course of the novel?
  3. Why does the Count decide to throw himself from the roof of the Metropol? Why does the encounter with the handyman lead him to change his plans?
  4. The Count’s life under house arrest is greatly influenced by his relationship with four women: Nina, Marina, Anna, and Sofia. What is the nature of the Count’s relationship with each of these women?
  5. How does the Count’s experience of time change over the course of the novel and how does it relate to his father’s views as embodied by the twice-tolling clock?
  6. In Book Five, the Count has decided to get Sofia out of Russia. What occurs over the course of Book Four to lead him to this decision? Why does he choose to remain behind?
  7. Talk about the other characters who play an important part in this novel. The handyman, the actress, his friend Mishka, and even Osip Glebnikov. Consider the incident with the honey.
  8. In the conclusion, what is the significance of the toppled cocktail glass in Casablanca?
  9. This novel has a unusual premise set half a century ago in a country very different from ours. Nonetheless, do you think the book is relevant today? If so, in what way is it relevant?
  10. The Count was spared the death penalty for writing the poem, "Where is it now?". This poem questioned the purpose of the new Soviet Union. Make comparisons with Russia under Putin, 70-some years later?


* Questions courtesy of the author, Amor Towles