Book Companion Logo  IN THE MIDST OF WINTER
Characters By Chapter
Kristian Fabricante
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1LuciaMarazRichard's tenant. A Chilean professor.
 RichardBowmasterAn apartment owner. A university professor.
 Marcelo Lucia's Chihuahua.
 DanielaMarazLucia's daughter.
 Julian Lucia's lover.
 JosephBowmasterRichard's father.
 Barrack ObamaThe U.S. President.
2Um Richard's cat.
 Dois Richard's cat.
 Tres Richard's cat.
 Quatro Richard's cat.
 AnitaFarinha-BowsterRichard's wife.
3EvelynOrtegaAn immigrant. The owner of the car Richard crashes.
 FrankLeroyEvelyn's violent employer.
 CherylLeroyFrank's wife.
4ConcepcionMontoyaEvelyn's grandmother.
 FatherBenitoConcepcion's acquaintance.
 Virgin of theAssumptionGuatemala's patron saint.
 MiriamOrtegaEvelyn's mother.
 GregorioOrtegaEvelyn's eldest brother.
 AndresOrtegaConcepcion's grandchild.
   MS-13 - Guatemala's most vicious gang.
5LenaMarazLucia's mother.
 EnriqueMarazLucia's half brother.
 Adela Lucia's best friend.
 CherylGuevaraThe famous Belgian fighter.
 SalvadorAllendeThe leader of the famous coalition called Popular Unity.
 KarlMarxA German philosopher.
 FidelCastroA Cuban revolutionary.
 VictorJaraA protest song composer.
6HoracioAmado-CastroRichard's friend.
 Susan Richard's former lover.
 Cloe Richard's mother.
 CarlosUrzuaLucia's e-husband. A well-known lawyer.
 Olivia Lucia's dog.
7NuriaCastelAndres's doctor.
 Felicita A shaman.
 BertoCabreraThe people smuggler.
 Maria InesPortilloThe migrant who approached Evelyn.
8VillaGrimaldiA notorious torture center of the Chilean secret police.
9Kathryn BrownThe dead girl at the trunk of the car.
 FrankieLeroyCheryl and Frank's son.
10OlgaSanchezBerto's cousin.
 FatherLeoThe priest who helps the migrants.
11Goulart Brazilian politician.
 Maria InesTheresaGoulart's widow.
 JoseSarneyGoulart's vice president.
13Lola Carlos's lawyer.
 GalileoLeonEvelyn's alleged step-father.
16Bibi Richard's daughter.
17Doreen Galileo's daughter.
19MariaBatistaA respected lyalorixa.
 Garota Richard's best party companion.
 Fifi Horacio's dog.
20IvanDanescuFrank's right-hand man.
21JacquesCosteauLucia's colleague.
23Ixchel The Jaguar goddess.
EpiAlbertCamusA French philosopher.