Pro | | | Luba 1912 |
| Eliza | Ferriday | American friend of the Streshnayvas. |
| Sofya | Streshnayva | Eliza's best friend. |
| Agnessa | | Sofya's stepmother. |
| | | Part One |
1 | | | Eliza 1914 |
| Queen Anne | | Queen of England, Scotland, Ireland. |
| Caroline | | Eliza's daughter. |
| Betty | Stockwell | Caroline's friend. |
| Caroline W. | Woolsey Mitchell | Eliza's mother. Aka: Carry. |
| Henry | | Eliza's husband. |
| Leonidovich | Abushkin | Streshnayva's physician. |
| Dr. | Forbes | A physician. |
| E. H. | Sothern | American author. |
| Julia | Marlowe | Sothern's wife. |
| Ivan | | Cousin of Nicholas ll. Sofya's father. |
| Nicholas ll | | Former Emperor of All Russia. |
| Afon Afonovich | Stepanov | A soldier. Sofya's husband. |
| Luba | | Sofya's sister. |
| Electra | Whitney | Eliza's neighbor. |
| Mr. | Gardener | A gardener. |
| Katherina | Zeimet | A kind of rose. |
| Julia | Smith | A housemaid. Aka: Peg. |
2 | | | Sofya 1914 |
| Maxwell | Afonovich | Sofya's son. Aka: Max. |
| Archduke | Ferdinand | Heir presumptive to the throne of Austria. |
| Nadezhda | Lamanova | Former theater costumer and dressmaker. |
| Afgrefena | | Sofya's mother. |
| Tsarina | Alexandra | Empress of Russia. |
| Peter | | A coachman |
| Alexei | | Tsarina's son. |
| Madame | Wiroboff | The empress best friend. |
| Olga | Romanova | The royal couple's eldest daughter. |
| Tatiana | | Tsar's daughter. Aka: The governess. |
| Karina | Showmatoff | Sofya's cousin. |
| Ilya | | Karina's boy friend. |
| Princess | Cantacuzene | Prince Mikhail Cantacuzene's wife. Aka: Speransky Grant. |
| Prince Mikhail | Cantacuzene | A Russian general. |
| Ulysses | Grant | 18th U.S. President. |
| Count | von Orloff | Agness's friend. |
3 | | | Varinka 1914 |
| Rafa Rafovich | Koslov | Varinka's father. |
| Mr. | Astronavich | Owner of the Malinov general store. Aka: Mr. A. |
| Taras W. | Perminov | Rafa's apprentice. |
| Varinka N. | Pushkinsky | Rafa's daughter. Aka: Inka. |
4 | | | Eliza 1914 |
| Mrs. | Astronavich | Mr. A.'s wife. Aka: Mrs. A. |
| Noel | Bishop | A real estate agent. |
| Thomas | Whitmarsh | A driver. |
| Joseph | Bellamy | American pastor. |
| Queen Tiji | | Great Royal wife of Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep lll. |
| | | Part Two |
5 | | | Sofya 1916 |
| Tum-Tum | | Agnessa's little dog. |
| Catherine ll | | Emperor of Russia. |
| Justine | | Max's nanny. |
| Bogdan | | A gamekeeper. |
| Aleks | | One of the guards. |
| Ulad | | One of the guards. |
| Raisa | | A servant. |
6 | | | Varinka 1916 |
| Zina | Pushkinsky | Varinka's mother. Aka: Mamka. |
7 | | | Eliza 1916 |
| Richard | Merrill | Henry's friend. |
| Albert Eugene | Gallatin | Influential art collector and abstract painter. |
| Amelia | | Betty's mother. |
| Mrs. | Webb | A teacher. |
| Joanie | Sullivan | Peg's acquaintance. |
8 | | | Sofya 1916 |
| Yury | Argunov | A fine bachelor. Aka: Cook. |
| Alexander ll | | Emperor of Russia. |
| General | Busilov | A Russian general. |
| Roksana | Petrovana | Agnessa's acquaintance. |
| Jarushka | | Sofya's horse. |
9 | | | Varinka 1916 |
| Maria | | One of tsar's daughter. |
| Anastacia | | One of tsar's daughter. |
| Fyodor | Dostoyevsky | Russian novelist. |
| Vladi | | Tara's former cellmate. |
10 | | | Eliza 1916 |
| Archibald | Trymore | One who fixed Henry's dead body. |
| Aunt Eliza | | Eliza Ferriday's aunt. |
11 | | | Sofya 1916 |
| Gregori | Rasputin | Russian peasant. |
| Benjamin | Franklin | One of the Founding Fathers of U.S. |
| | Bartell | A professor. |
| Gregor | Mendel | A scientist. |
13 | | | Sofya 1916 |
| David | | A coachman. |
| Lucya | Popov | Mrs. A.'s acquaintance. |
| Jaska | | Mrs. A.'s acquaintance. |
| Father Paul | | A priest. |
| Vladimir | Lenin | Former Russian revolutionary politician and theorist. |
14 | | | Eliza 1916 |
| Jane Eliza | Woolsey | Eliza's grandmother. |
| Jules | Verne | French novelist. |
| Pat | | Peg's uncle. |
18 | | | Eliza 1916 |
| Eliot | Blandmore | Eliza's mother's friend. |
| Mr. | Pirelli | Eliot's acquaintance. |
| Ambassador | Francis | The last U.S. ambassador to the Russian Empire. |
| William | Shakespeare | English poet
and playwright. |
21 | | | Eliza 1916 |
| Gareth | Hapgood | One of Julia's acquaintances. |
| Anna | Gabler | One of Julia's acquaintances. |
| Mr. | Gabler | Anna's father. |
| | | Part Three |
24 | | | Eliza 1917 |
| Woodrow | Wilson | 28th U.S. President. |
| Anna | Yesipov | Princess from Kiev. |
| Nancy | | A Russian immigrant. |
| Dr. | Ferguson | A physician. |
25 | | | Varinka 1917 |
| Peter | Pavlinov | Mrs. A.'s acquaintance. |
26 | | | Sofya 1917 |
| Woldemar | Freedericksz | A Finno-Russian statesman. |
27 | | | Eliza 1917 |
| Nonna | Zaronova | One who organized the workshop. |
| Yesipov | Hildreth | One of Carry Mitchell's acquaintances. |
| Mr. | Hildreth | One of Carry Mitchell's acquaintances. |
| Jink | | Electra Whitney's granddaughter. |
| | Dunmore | A reverend. |
29 | | | Sofya 1917 |
| Ortipo | | A French bulldog. |
| Emilia | | A maid. |
| King George | | King of the United Kingdom. |
| Paul | | One of the guards. |
| Stas | | One of the guards. |
| Dr. | Tartello | A veterinarian. |
30 | | | Eliza 1917 |
| Joseph | | A cook. |
| John Singer | Sargent | American artist. |
| Mrs. | Parker | Former member of the club. |
| Angelica | Vandermeer | A travel booker. |
| Theodore | Roosevelt | 26th U.S. President. |
31 | | | Varinka 1917 |
| Igor | Stravinsky | A Russian composer, pianist and conductor. |
| Radimir | Solomakhin | Varinka's boy friend. |
33 | | | Eliza 1917 |
| Billy | Maddox | Police officer. |
| Mary | Pickford | American-Canadian film actress. |
| Dreshnik | | Nancy's son. |
| Sasha | | Nancy's daughter. |
| Josiah | Thaws | William Thaw's son. |
| William | Thaw | American businessman. |
| William | Douglas | Scottish nobleman. |
| Sidney | Harrises | American journalist. |
| Archie | Somerdyke | One of Mrs. Mitchell's acquaintances. |
| Priscilla | | One of Mrs. Mitchell's acquaintances. |
| Emma | Baker | A television journalist. |
| Dudley | Olcott | Mrs. Mitchell's acquaintance. |
| Chester | Grisworld | New York representative from Nassau. |
34 | | | Varinka 1917 |
| Dina | | One of Radimir's friend. |
| Erik | | One of Radimir's friend. |
| Trotsky | | A waiter. |
| Jonathan | | Eldest son of King Saul. |
| King David | | King of Israel. |
| | | Part Four |
36 | | | Sofya 1918 |
| Pyotr | Wrangel | A Russian officer. |
| Mr. | Zaitz | Sofya's acquaintance. |
| Yeda | Zaitz | Mr. Zaitz's wife. |
| Mrs. | Osinov | Mrs. Zaitz's acquaintance. |
37 | | | Varinka 1918 |
| Jeanne | Lanvin | French fashion designer. |
| Madame | Devereux | Store receptionist. |
| Madame | Fournier | The headmistress. |
| Rene | Billotte | French painter. |
| Titian | | Italian painter. |
38 | | | Eliza 1918 |
| Francis | Haylan | 96th Mayor of New York City. |
39 | | | Sofya 1919 |
| Madame | Salange | A housekeeper. |
| Mary | Melange | Hotel registrar. |
| Oxana | | Hotel custodian. |
| Aristotle | | Greek philosopher. |
40 | | | Varinka 1919 |
| Faina | | Mamka's new friend. |
41 | | | Eliza 1919 |
| Mrs. | Belmont | Mrs. Mitchell's friend. |
| William R. | Vanderbilt | Mrs. Belmont's ex-husband. |
42 | | | Sofya 1919 |
| Rene | Carville | A peddler. |
| Tsar Alexander | | Nicholas ll's grandfather. |
| Countess | Pellesky | Worked as washroom attendant. |
43 | | | Eliza 1919 |
| Dr. | Martin | Merrill's doctor. |
44 | | | Varinka 1919 |
| Madame | LaBlanc | One who found Max. |
45 | | | Sofya 1919 |
| Yana | | Mrs. Zaronov's worker. |
46 | | | Varinka 1919 |
| Polyphemus | | One of the cyclopes. |
| Galatea | | Sea nymph. |
49 | | | Eliza 1919 |
| Yara | | Mrs. Zaronova's worker. |
| General | Yakofnavich | Mrs. Mitchell's friend. |
| Charles | | A concierge. |
| Mr. | Mitchell | Eliza's father. |
51 | | | Sofya 1919 |
| Mademoiselle | Slack | Max's teacher. |
53 | | | Sofya 1919 |
| Carmine | | Stable mistress' daughter. |
54 | | | Sofya 1920 |
| Mrs. | Montessori | Italian
physician known for her philosophy and her education methods. |
| Lyra | | Luba's new name. |
| Serge | | Max's new name. |
| Vivian | | Sofya's new name. |
Epi | | | Luba 1921 |
| William | Maddox | A policeman. |