Book Companion Logo  MARESI
Characters By Chapter
Kristian Fabricante
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 MaresiEnres Narrator.
 Sister OMaresi's friend who told her to write the story.
 Jai The New Girl in the Novice House / Maresi's bestfriend.
 Sister LoeniOne of the Nuns from the Temple of the Rose.
 The FirstMotherLeader in the Refugee House in Red Abbey Island. aka: Havva.
 Sister VeerkA nun who handles the trade with fishermen.
 Sister NummelA nun who's in charge of the junior novices.
 Joem A Junior Novice in the Refugee House.
 Sister ErsA nun whose in charge of The Hearth House.
 Ennike The 2nd longest-serving novice in Red Abbey Island.
 AkiosEnresdaughterMaresi's brother.
 NaraesEnresdaughterMaresi's sister.
 Sister MareaneSister O's Colleague.
 Ydda A Short Girl in the Novice House.
 Ranna Ydda's twin sister.
 Heo The Little Akade Girl from Namar / One of the Junior Novices.
 Dori Sister Mareane's Novice.
 Sister NarA nun who grew up in Knowledge Garden.
 Unai Jai's Sister.
 Anner Maresi's youngest sister.
 Toulan Sister Loeni's Novice.
 Ismi Heo's Bestfriend.
 Sister KiralyA nun who's in charge of growing grapes.
 Kabira A Member of the First Sister in the Sister House.
 Claras A Member of the First Sister in the Sister House.
 Garai A Member of the First Sister in the Sister House.
 Estegi A Member of the First Sister in the Sister House.
 Orseola A Member of the First Sister in the Sister House.
 Sulani A Member of the First Sister in the Sister House.
 Daera A Member of the First Sister in the Sister House.
 Sorjan Jai's Brother.
 Dokran Jai's Brother.
 Vekret Jai's Brother.
 Sister KotkeA nun who was assigned in Central.
 Joi A woman who helps Jai.
 TheCroneShadow of Death and Destruction.
 The RoseThe Priestess in the Temple of the Rose. aka: Eostre.
 Cissil Sister Ers's Novice.
 Luan Sister Veerk's Novice.
 Leitha One of the Junior Novices.
 Okret Sarjan's Nephew.
 Vinjan Sarjan's Nephew.
 Sarjan Jai's Father.