| Maresi | Enres | Narrator. |
| Sister | O | Maresi's friend who told her to write the story. |
| Jai | | The New Girl in the Novice House / Maresi's bestfriend. |
| Sister | Loeni | One of the Nuns from the Temple of the Rose. |
| The First | Mother | Leader in the Refugee House in Red Abbey Island. aka: Havva. |
| Sister | Veerk | A nun who handles the trade with fishermen. |
| Sister | Nummel | A nun who's in charge of the junior novices. |
| Joem | | A Junior Novice in the Refugee House. |
| Sister | Ers | A nun whose in charge of The Hearth House. |
| Ennike | | The 2nd longest-serving novice in Red Abbey Island. |
| Akios | Enresdaughter | Maresi's brother. |
| Naraes | Enresdaughter | Maresi's sister. |
| Sister | Mareane | Sister O's Colleague. |
| Ydda | | A Short Girl in the Novice House. |
| Ranna | | Ydda's twin sister. |
| Heo | | The Little Akade Girl from Namar / One of the Junior Novices. |
| Dori | | Sister Mareane's Novice. |
| Sister | Nar | A nun who grew up in Knowledge Garden. |
| Unai | | Jai's Sister. |
| Anner | | Maresi's youngest sister. |
| Toulan | | Sister Loeni's Novice. |
| Ismi | | Heo's Bestfriend. |
| Sister | Kiraly | A nun who's in charge of growing grapes. |
| Kabira | | A Member of the First Sister in the Sister House. |
| Claras | | A Member of the First Sister in the Sister House. |
| Garai | | A Member of the First Sister in the Sister House. |
| Estegi | | A Member of the First Sister in the Sister House. |
| Orseola | | A Member of the First Sister in the Sister House. |
| Sulani | | A Member of the First Sister in the Sister House. |
| Daera | | A Member of the First Sister in the Sister House. |
| Sorjan | | Jai's Brother. |
| Dokran | | Jai's Brother. |
| Vekret | | Jai's Brother. |
| Sister | Kotke | A nun who was assigned in Central. |
| Joi | | A woman who helps Jai. |
| The | Crone | Shadow of Death and Destruction. |
| The | Rose | The Priestess in the Temple of the Rose. aka: Eostre. |
| Cissil | | Sister Ers's Novice. |
| Luan | | Sister Veerk's Novice. |
| Leitha | | One of the Junior Novices. |
| Okret | | Sarjan's Nephew. |
| Vinjan | | Sarjan's Nephew. |
| Sarjan | | Jai's Father. |