| | | Part One |
l | Celeste | | Owner of a restaurant. |
| Emmanuel | | Monsieur Meursault's friend and co-worker. |
| Madame | Meursault | A woman who entered the Home for the Aged Persons. |
| Monsieur | Meursault | Madame Meursault's son. |
| Figeac | | A sub-prefecture of the Lot Department. |
| Thomas | Perez | Madame Meursault's friend at Home for Aged Persons. |
ll | Marie | Cardona | A clerk. Monsieur Meursault's girlfriend. Aka: Mademoiselle. |
| Fernandel | | A French actor. |
| Chez | Pierrot | A waiter. |
lll | Salamano | | Monsieur Meursault's neighbor who always had his dog with him. |
| Raymond | Sintes | A warehouseman. |
Vl | Masson | | Raymond's friend. |
| | | Part Two |
ll | Jeanne | | A prisoner's wife. |