Book Companion Logo  THE VANISHING HALF
Characters By Chapter
Christina Hale
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   Part 1
1LouLebonThe Vignes Twin's neighbor.
 DesireeVignesOne of the Vignes Twins who married a black man.
 StellaVignes-SandersDesiree's twin.
 AlphonseDecuirMallard's founder.
 WillieLeeThe butcher.
 Fontenot The mayor.
 Father CavanaughMallard's priest.
 AdeleVignesThe Twins's mother.
 SalDelafosseLou's neighbor.
 FarrahThibodeauxThe girl who had fled to the city.
 Mrs.BeltonStella's teacher.
 Mrs.DupontVignes Twin's employer.
 Mr.DupontMrs. Dupont's husband. A banker.
 JudeVignes-WinstonDesiree's daughter.
 Sam WinstonDesiree's husband.
 Roberta Desiree's friend.
 LeonVignesAdele's husband. The Twins's father.
 EarlyJonesA hunter. Desiree's childhood friend.
 Big Ceel Early Jone's boss. Aka: Ceel Lewis, Clifton Lewis.
2BerniceLeGrosThe seamstress.
 WillieLeeLeon's acquaintance.
 MadameTherouxAdele's friend.
 MarieVignesThe Twins's ancestor.
 LornaHerbertThe old barmaid.
 JohnnyHerouxDesiree's former lover.
3Mae The Twins's supervisor.
 Sophie The Twins's aunt.
 DixieLaundryStella's old friend.
   Part 2
4LonnieGoudeauThe varsity pitcher.
 Mr.YancyJude's teacher.
 Louisa Jude's friend.
 CoachWeaverJude's coach.
 Dr.BrennerAdele's doctor.
 ReeseCarterJude's boyfriend. A transsexual.
 Erika Jude's roommate.
5Barry Jude's friend.
 Luis Barry's friend.
 Jamie Barry's friend.
 Harry Barry's friend.
6JimCloudA plastic surgeon.
 Scooter Barry's cousin.
 CarlaStewartScooter's boss.
 Mr.HardisonJude's retiring man.
   Part 3
7PercyWhiteThe current president of the Homeowners association.
 DaleJohansenBoard member of the Homeowners association.
 TomPearsonBoard member of the Homeowners association.
 CathJohansenBoard member of the Homeowners association.
 BetsyRobertsAn economics major.
 BlakeSandersStella's husband.
 Wilma Blake's colored nanny.
 KennedySandersBlake and Stella's daughter.
 Yolanda Blake's maid.
 PrincipalStanleyThe school principal.
 DeborahLawsonStella's neighbor.
 HectorLawsonDeborah's husband.
 Fred Blake's friend.
8ReginaldWalkerBlake's new neighbor.
 LorettaWalkerReginald's wife.
 TommyTaylorA police sergeant.
 BobHawthorneA dentist.
 MargeHawthorneBob's wife.
 Lynn The girl from Oklahoma.
 PercyWhiteAn association president.
 LynnWhitePercy's wife.
 BelindaCooperLoretta's girlfriend.
 MaryButlerOne of Loretta's girlfriends.
 Eunice Loretta's friend.
 Cindy One of Loretta's friends.
9Carol Mr. Reed's associate.
 Jimbo An Ugly Black Doll.
 Rosalee Stella's piglet.
   Part 4
11PegDavisStella's faculty mentor.
 Mr.ParkThe owner of Park's Korean Barbecue. Jude's boss.
13Doug The director.
   Part 5
14Frantz Kennedy's boyfriend.
15LanceGarrisonKennedy's actor boyfriend.
 PamReedKennedy's friend.
 Robert Kennedy's real estate boss.
   Part 6
17Freddy The dead man.
The Vanishing Half suggested by Jacqueline Chorney