Pro | Ellie | Mack | The missing daughter of Laurel and Paul. |
| Theo | Goodman | A boy who likes Ellie. Ellie's boyfriend. |
| | | Part One |
1 | Laurel | Mack | Ellie's mother. |
| Hanna | Mack | Ellie's sister. Laurel and Paul's daughter. |
| Paul | Mack | Laurel's husband. |
2 | Jake | Mack | Laurel's son. |
| Becky | Goodman | Theo's mother. |
5 | Noelle | Donelly | Ellie's tutor. Poppy's mother. |
| Teddy | | Ellie's teddy bear. |
6 | Blue | | Jake's live-in-partner. |
8 | Dane | | The detective. |
11 | Nick | Robinson | A policeman. |
12 | Floyd | Dunn | Laurel's boyfriend. Poppy and Sara-Jade's father. |
| | | Part Two |
13 | Tania | | Laurel's hairstylist. |
| Dora | | Tania's assistant. |
14 | Sara-Jade | Virtue | Floyd and Kate's daughter. Aka: SJ. |
| Poppy | Donelly | Floyd and Noelle's daughter. |
15 | Jackie | | Laurel's friend. |
| Bonny | | Paul's new girlfriend. |
21 | Kate | Virtue | Sara-Jade's mother. |
27 | Michaela | Donelly | Noelle's sister. Deceased. |
| Tony | | Noelle's ex-boyfriend. |
30 | Joshua | Donelly | Noelle's nephew. |
| Clara | | Joshua's cousin. Noelle's niece. |
32 | Ruby | | Laurel's mother. |
34 | Sam | Donelly | Joshua's brother. Poppy's cousin. |
| | | Part Four |
38 | Trudy | | Noelle's hamster. |
| Amy | | Noelle's hamster. |
39 | Dr. | Khan | Noelle's psychiatrist. |
47 | Henry | Donelly | Joshua's grandfather. Noelle's father. |
| Breda | Donelly | Joshua's grandmother. Noelle's mother. |
56 | Helen | | Laurel's officemate. |
| | | Part Five |
61 | Mathilde | | Floyd's ex-girlfriend. |
65 | Tom | | Sara-Jade's friend. |
| Mr. | Goodman | Becky's husband. Theo's father. |