Book Companion Logo  THREE CUPS OF TEA
Characters By Chapter
Jeffrey Hale
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1   Failure
 Greg Mortenson Emergency room nurse. Aka: Dr. Greg, Dr. Sahib.
 ScottDarsney Greg's fellow mountain climber.
 Christa  Greg's sister who'd died on her twenty-third birthday.
 EtienneFine Member of the expedition who got extremely sick.
 DanMazur One of the expedition's leaders.
 JonathanPratt One of the expedition's leaders.
 MouzaferAli One of the most skilled porters in the area.
 Yakub  Mouzafer's friend. One of the porters
2   The Wrong Side of the River
    Paiyu cha - green tea
    Allah Akbhar! - God is great!
    Gangs-zhing - glacier
    Rdo-rut - avalanche
 Haji Ali Korphe village chief.
    As-salaam Alaikum - peace be with you
 Twaha  Haji Ali's son.
3   I'm Going to Build You a School
 Sakina  Haji Ali's wife.
    Lassi - a drink made with yogurt
 Jahan  Twaha's seven-year-old daughter.
4   Growing Up
 Irvin  Greg's father. Aka: Dempsey.
 Jerene  Irvin's wife.
 Kari  One of Greg's sisters.
 Sonja Joy  One of Greg's sisters.
5   580 Letters, One Check
 KishwarSyed The man who taught Greg how to use a computer.
 TomBrokaw Television news anchor.
 Dr. TomVaughan Greg's friend.
 JeanHoerni Mountain climber and a scientist.
6   Hard Way Home
 AbdulShah Watchman at the hotel.
 MohammedAli Changazi Organize tours and mountain-climbing expeditions.
 Akhmalu  The man who had cooked for his K2 expedition.
 Janjungpa  Porter from Greg's expedition to K2.
8   A Bridge Before a School
 Dr. Louis Reichardt First American to reach the summit of K2. Aka: Lou .
9   Hunting Ibex
    Ibex - large, muscular mountain goats
 Hussein  One of the hunters.
10   Building Bridges
 GeorgeMcCown Board director of the American Himalayan Foundation.
 FaisalBaig McCown's guide.
 Hawa  Hussein's wife.
11   Six Days
 JenniferWilson Hoerni's wife.
 Sir Edmund Hillary Part of the first team to climb Mount Everest.
 TaraBishop Greg's wife.
 LanaPieri Greg's cousin.
 JamesBullock Tara and Greg's friend.
12   Beginnings
 GhulamParvi Changazi's accountant.
13   Haji Ali's Lesson
 Tahira  Hussein's daughter.
 SherTakhi The mullah, or religious leader, of Korphe.
 HajiMehdi The chief of Askole.
    Kafir - infidel
14   "A Smile Should Be More Than a Memory"
 Osamabin Laden Leader of a terrorist group Al Qaeda.
 BadamGul Greg's fellow guest in the hotel.
 Mr.Khan Driver.
 HajiMirza One of the smugglers.
  Khan One of Greg's kidnappers.
    Jirga - a village council
15   A Picture
 Amira Eliana  Greg's daughter.
16   New Schools—and More
 Syed AbbasRisvi Religious leader.
 Mohammed A.Khan Chief of Hushe.
 Shakeela   Mohammed Aslam's daughter.
17   Running from War
 ApoRazak CAI worker.
    CAI - Central Asia Institute
 MullahGulzar Religious leader of a village called Brolmo.
 FatimaBatool One of the children of Brolmo.
 Aamina  Fatima's sister.
 NargizAli Fatima's friend.
18   Too Much to Do
 AlexLowe, Famous mountaineer.
 AmartyaSen Nobel Prize winner.
 Khyber BishopMortenson Greg's son.
19   A Village Called New York
 Dan  McCown's son.
 Susan  Dan's wife.
 AzizaHussain The first health care worker in Zuudkhan.
 BashirBaz Retired Brigadier General of Pakistan's army.
20   Afghanistan
 MullahOmar The head of the Taliban government.
 Abdul RashidKhan Warlord.
 UzraFaizad Durkhani High School principal.
 JuliaBergman Worked on the CAI's board.
 AbdullahRahman Taxi driver. Greg's friend.
 MaryBono Member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
21   The First Educated Women in Korphe
 KevinFedarko Reporter.
 Yasmine  Parvi's fifteen-year-old daughter.
22   Stones into Schools
 ZahirShah The king of Afghanistan.
 Kais   Translator.
 SardharKhan Man who ruled the province of Badakhshan.