1 | Lord Henry | Wotton | The man who wants to exhibit Basil's paintings. aka: Harry. |
| Basil | Hallward | Painter who painted the picture of Dorian Gray. |
| Dorian | Gray | The good-looking man in the painting. |
| Lady Brandon | | Basil's aunt. Lord Henry's acquaintance. |
| Lady Agatha | | Lord Henry's aunt. Dorian's friend. |
| Parker | | Basil's servant. |
3 | Lord George | Fermor | Lord Henry's uncle. |
| Lord Kelso | | Dorian's grandfather. |
| Lady Margaret | Devereaux | Dorian's mother. |
| Carlington | | Wants to marry Lady Margaret. |
| Dartmoor | | Wants to marry an American. |
| Duchess of | Harley | A woman Dorian met at dinner. Lady Agatha's companion. |
| Sir Thomas | Burdon | A radical member of the Parliament. |
| Mr. | Erskine | A man from treadley. |
| Mrs. | Vandeleur | Mr. Erskine's neighbor. Lady Agatha's oldest friend. |
| Lord Faudel | | The most intelligent man. |
4 | Victoria | | Lord Henry's wife. |
| Sibyl | Vane | Actress. The girl Dorian is in love with. |
5 | Mrs. | Vane | Sibyl's mother. |
| James | Vane | Sibyl's brother. aka: Jim. |
| Mr. | Isaacs | Helped the Vane family from their debts. |
| Tom | Hardy | James's friend. |
| Ned | Langton | James's friend. |
6 | Lord | Radley | Dorian's guardian. |
8 | Victor | | Dorian's servant. |
9 | Lady | Gwendolen | Lord Henry's sister. |
| Georges | Petit | Basil's exhibitor. |
10 | Mrs. | Leaf | Dorian's old servant. |
| Mr. | Hubbard | Frame maker from South Audley Street. Made Dorian his frame. |
| Lady | Radley | Lord Radley's wife. |
| Mr. | Danby | District coroner. |
| Dr. | Birrell | Examined the dead body of Sibyl. |
11 | Anne | de Joyeuse | Admiral of France. |
| Pierre | de Boniface | The great Alchemist. |
| Duke de | Valentinois | Alexander VI's son. |
| Philip | Herbert | Man who was caressed in court for his handsome face. |
12 | Anglomanie | | An English dressmaker. |
| Lord | Staveley | Dorian's friend. |
| Lord | Gloucester | Basil's friend. |
13 | Alan | Campbell | Dorian's former great friend. |
14 | Harden | | A supplier of Orchids. |
15 | Lady | Narborough | Lord Henry's companion. |
| Ernest | Harrowden | A middle-aged mediocrity. |
| Lady Ruxton | | An overdressed woman. |
| Mrs. | Erlynne | Lady Narborough's friend. |
| Lady Alice | Chaoman | Mrs. Erlynne's daughter. Hostess. |
| Madame | de Ferrol | Dorian's intimate friend. |
16 | Adrian | Singleton | Dorian's friend. |
17 | Gladys | | Duchess. Lord Henry's cousin. |
18 | Geoffrey | Clouston | Gladys's brother. |
| Thornton | | Head-keeper. |
19 | Hetty | Merton | The girl Lord Henry wants for Dorian. |