1. Carney
is described as being “only slightly bent when it came to being crooked,
in practice and ambition” (page 31) --- suggesting a more nuanced
understanding of seemingly criminal activity. How does his placement on
the crooked spectrum change throughout the course of the novel? How does
his crookedness compare to others he does business with?
2. As
much as the people in the novel embody their environment, New York City
is a formidable character itself that evolves with its inhabitants.
Which changes more, the city or the people, and how do the scenes of New
York in the novel compare to those of the present day?
3. What
do the Riverside Drive apartments represent to Carney? What did you make
of his change of heart about Strivers’ Row at the end of the novel?
Consider Freddie’s comment that on Riverside, “There’s us, there’s
water, and then there’s more land, we’re all a part of the same thing.
But Park Avenue, with those big old buildings facing one another, full
of old white people, there’s none of that feeling, right? It’s a canyon.
And the two sides don’t give a shit about you. If they wanted, if they
so decided, they could squeeze together and crush you. That’s how little
you are” (page 268).
4. We
learn that “Carney avoided the block he grew up on. He only found
himself there if he was preoccupied with the store, or money, and his
homing mechanism misfired. Safer to direct nostalgia for those days
toward his cousin’s place on 129th Street” (page 169). What does this
suggest about the intensity of his efforts to change his fate? How does
the city itself prevent him from doing so?
5. What
is the value for Carney in being able to leave his mark on the city
through his furniture or other trade? Consider the line: “Carney
imagined himself inside because he was looking for evidence of himself.
Was there an Argent wingback chair or Heywood-Wakefield armoire in one
of them, over by the window, the proof of a sale he’d closed? It was a
new game he played, walking around this unforgiving town: Is my stuff
in there?” (page 124).
6. What
elements of the race protests that are depicted in the novel remind you
of the more recent Black Lives Matter activism? How have things changed,
or not, regarding the relationship among protesters and non-protesters,
police and black people, and the struggles of the black community to be
treated with justice and equality? Consider the words on the leaflet on
page 295. Did they sound familiar to you?
7. Describe
Carney’s family and role as a husband and a father. How do his personal
and professional lives bleed into each other? How do memories of his own
father shape his relationship with his wife and children?
8. What
does the Dumas Club represent for Carney? How does his denied admission
shape what comes next for him?
9. Discuss
the significance of the “dorvay” for Carney and his business partners,
including how it shaped his early days of studying and work. Which side
of the day do you think he prefers to be on, and how does it reinforce
the multiple “roles” of the characters, given this reflection? “He
finally went down near dawn and when he woke he was back on schedule, in
sync once more with the straight world. Cast out from the forgotten land
of dorvay, as if he’d never been there. What had they meant, those dark
hours? Maybe it was a way to keep the two sides of him separate, the
midnight him and the daytime him, and he didn’t need it anymore. If he
ever had. Maybe he’d invented a separation where none existed, when it
was all him and always had been” (page 203).
10. What
are the roles of women in the novel? Consider especially how Elizabeth
and Marie are depicted, and Carney’s sympathy for Marie in having the
“burden of carrying an apartment on your back; you stagger sometimes but
you take the weight, what else can you do?” (page 149 |
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