What is this parable about? What is the connection to chapter 24?
In verse one Jesus says, “It will be
like a man going on a journey.” What will be like a man going on
What do the various symbols or people in
the parable represent? What is a talent?
Why does the master give different
amounts instead of the same amount to each person?
Does God give the same abilities and
responsibilities to us? Why not? How should you react if you are given
more? How should you react if you are given less?
What is the difference in perspectives
between a steward and an owner?
Who did the new talents (bags of gold)
that were earned belong to? What did the servant do with them upon the
master’s return?
How did the master react to the two
servants who did well?
What does it mean to “enter into the joy
of your master.”
What kind of person does the lazy
servant represent?
Do you think he is being honest in his
reason for not working while the master was away? Why or why not?
What can you see in his response about
his view of the master? Was this accurate? Why was he so negative?
If the master represents Jesus how can
we understand his statement that “you knew that I harvest where I have
not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed.”
Is there any financial advice implied in
this parable? What does verse 29 mean?