1. Why did Angel’s mother stay in a relationship that was damaging to both her and her daughter? What kept her there? Are there beliefs or attitudes that you struggle with, that you know are damaging to yourself or others? Why do you hold on to them? Read Psalm 116:16–17; 118:5; 119:45; 142:7; Romans 6:21–23; and Colossians 1:21–23. What is one step you can take to let go of damaging beliefs or attitudes?2. The things that happened to little Sarah in the prologue were horrific --- and happen all too often in real life. Many, in the face of such things, wonder where God is, why He doesn’t protect His children. Have you ever wondered these things? Where is God when such things happen?3. Scripture tells us God is all-powerful and all-knowing. It talks about God’s lovingkindness, His compassion and mercy, His love of children. It tells us God is love. So why doesn’t He stop terrible things from happening? How do you reconcile God’s character as it’s revealed in Scripture with the fact that horrible things happen to the innocent?4. It was clear the characters, especially Michael and Angel, heard both God and Satan speaking to them through the story. Have you ever felt you heard God speaking to you? How about Satan? How can we distinguish between the two voices that call us?5. Michael Hosea prayed all his adult life for God to send him the right woman, the woman worth waiting for. And God sent him Angel. Have you had a fervent prayer answered in a way you didn’t expect? Consider the story of Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22:1–19). Now consider the Jews and their fervent prayers for a Messiah --- and how that prayer was answered through Jesus. Was He what they expected? What does all of this teach you about prayer? About God’s character?6. What finally draws Angel to Michael? What is it that finally breaks down the walls she’s put up around her heart? What does that teach us about sacrificial love?7. On p. 302, Angel comments that love doesn’t last. And Meribah replies, "Sometimes it does. If it’s the right kind." What kind of love do you think Meribah was talking about? How can we know this kind of love?8. What did you think when Angel forgave Paul? Has someone hurt or mistreated you as Paul did Angel? Read Matthew 6:12–15; Luke 6:37; and Colossians 3:13. In light of these Scriptures, how important is it that we be willing to forgive? How can we take steps to forgive, especially if a hurt is long-standing?9. God used Jonathan Axel, a total stranger, to help set Angel free from her past. Have you ever felt God nudging you to speak to or help someone you didn’t know? How did you know it was God? How did you react?10. To which character in Redeeming Love did you relate the most? What was it about that character that spoke to you?11. What do you think are the main lessons we learn from: a. Michael b. Miriam c. Sarah’s mother d. Paul e. Ruthie f. Angel/Sarah?12. Has reading this novel changed or enlightened you? If so, in what way? How can you show the kind of love depicted in this book to those you encounter each day?13. In the epilogue, Sarah says, "I never want to forget where I came from and all God has done for me." Why would this be important? Do you feel it’s something you should do, too? Read Deuteronomy 11:1–7, 18–21. How can you keep where you came from and all that God has done for you in the forefront of your mind? If you were asked to share the heart of what God has done for you, what would you say?14. In the author’s note, Francine Rivers writes, "I used to believe the purpose in life is to find happiness. I don’t believe that anymore." What do you believe is the purpose in life?* Some questions from Reading Group Guides. |
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