1. In the opening pages of The Rent
Collector, Sang Ly’s grandfather promises that it will be a very
lucky day. What role do you think luck plays in our lives? How does the
idea of luck reconcile with the novel’s epigraph, the quote from Buddha
on the opening page?
2. After reading Sarann (the Cambodian Cinderella), Sopeap and Sang Ly
discuss how story plots repeat, reinforcing the same lessons. Sopeap
calls resurfacing plots "perplexing" and then asks, "Is our DNA to blame
for this inherent desire to hope? Is it simply another survival
mechanism? Is that why we love Sarann or Cinderella? Or is there more to
it?" How would you answer? What are possible explanations for the
3. Sang Ly says that living at the dump is a life where "the hope of
tomorrow is traded to satisfy the hunger of today." How might this
statement also apply to those with modern homes, late-model cars,
plentiful food, and general material abundance?
4. Sang Ly mentions that Lucky Fat has an "uncanny knack of finding
money lost amongst the garbage." Do you suppose someone may have been
helping him by placing money for him to find? If so, who?
5. Speaking of her clock, Sang Ly says, "Sometimes broken things deserve
to be repaired." What might she be referring to more than the clock?
6. The shelters at Stung Meanchey are built to protect the resting
pickers from the sun. What other purposes do they serve? What "shelters"
do we build in our own lives? How would you react if the "shelters" in
your life were constantly being torn down?
7. At first, Ki is reluctant to welcome change, specifically to see Sang
Ly learn to read. He says, "I know that we don’t have a lot here, but at
least we know where we stand." What do you think he means? When have you
found it hard to accept change?
8. Sopeap tells Sang Ly: "To understand literature, you read it with
your head, but you interpret it with your heart. The two are forced to
work together—and, quite frankly, they often don’t get along." Do you
agree? Can you think of examples?
9. Koah Kchol, or scraping, is an ancient remedy Sang Ly says has been
practiced in her family for generations. Do you have your own family
remedies that have been passed down? What are they, and do they work?
10. Sang Ly and Sopeap discuss dreams. Have you ever had a dream that
changed your attitude, decisions, or outlook? Was it a subconscious
occurrence or something more?
11. In a moment of reflection, Sang Ly admits that she doesn’t mean to
be a skeptic, to lack hope, or to harbor fear. However, she notes that
experience has been her diligent teacher. She asks, "Grandfather, where
is the balance between humbly accepting our life’s trials and pleading
toward heaven for help, begging for a better tomorrow?" How would you
answer her question?
12. Sang Ly speaks often to her deceased grandfather, but not to her
father, until after her meeting with the Healer. Why did her attitude
change? How might the same principle apply to relationships in our own
13. Sopeap always wears thick brown socks, no matter the weather. As
Sopeap lies dying, Sang Ly notices that the socks have slipped, exposing
scars on Sopeap’s ankles. How would you presume Sopeap got these scars?
How might Sopeap’s scars (or rather their source) have influenced her
appreciation for the story of the rising Phoenix? In what ways does
Sopeap rise from her own ashes, literally and figuratively?
14. The story ends with Sang Ly retelling the myth of Vadavamukha and
the coming of Sopeap to Stung Meanchey. By the time you reached the
final version in the book’s closing pages, had you remembered the
original version in the book’s opening pages? How had the myth changed?
How had Sopeap changed? How had Sang Ly changed?
15. When the story closes, Sang Ly and her family are still living at
Stung Meanchey. Are you satisfied with the ending, that they remain at
the dump? Why or why not?