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Characters By Chapter
Christina Hale
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   PART 1
 LizRosenNews reporter.
 SimonKelleherDeceased. The Mayor's son.
 Darkestmind Online forum member.
 Bayview2020 Online forum member.
1KnoxMeyersMaeve's boyfriend. One of the narrators.
 Bronwyn Rojas Maeve's sister. Nate's girlfriend.
 AdelaidePrentissOne of the protagonists. AKA: Addy.
 NateMacauleyOne of the protagonists. Drug mole.
 CooperClayOne of the protagonists. Baseball star.
 MaeveRojasBronwyn's sister. One of the narrators.
 LuisSantosCooper's best friend.
 PhoebeLawtonCafĂ© Contigo waitress. One of the narrators.
 JakeRiordanDeceased. Addy's ex boyfriend.
2AshtonPrentissAddy's older sister.
 EliKleinfelterAshton's fiancĂ©.
 OwenLawtonPhoebe's brother.
 EmmaLawtonPhoebe's sister.
 JulesCrandallPhoebe's friend. Nate's admirer.
 SeanMurdockJules's student.
 BrandonWeberFootball player. Phoebe's boyfriend.
 PrincipalGuptaThe school Principal.
3DaxReaperThe most ruthless bounty hunter.
 SandeepGhaiEli's worker.
 Carl D.AgostinoSan Diego police sergeant.
4Gillian Emma's friend.
 LucyChenMaeve's acquaintance.
 ChaseRussoLucy's boyfriend.
 MatthiasSchroederMaeve's schoolmate.
 MonicaHillOne of the Junior girls.
5Derek Emma's boyfriend.
6Fritz Knox's dog.
 KierstenMyersKnox's sister.
7EvanNeimanBronwyn's ex boyfriend.
 Ito Bronwyn's grandparent.
 Ita Bronwyn's grandparent.
 JanaeVargasSimon's best friend.
8Kris Cooper's boyfriend.
9Dr.GuitterezMaeve's oncologist.
 Manny Luis's brother.
12BethanyOkonjoLaw student.
13Mrs.KaplanMaeve's teacher.
14CoachRuffaloCooper's baseball coach.
   PART 2
16LanceWeberBrandon's father.
17IntenseGuyThe mysterious man looking for Phoebe.
27RayJacksonPolice who was detained for blackmailing and framing a teenaged girl for drug possession.
 JaredJacksonRay's brother. Thief.
30DetectiveMendozaBayview police detective.
33MartinMcCoyEmma's lawyer.