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Characters By Chapter
Kristian Fabricante
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 EivorMinervudottirA 19th century polar hydrologist.
 Crabby Ro's nurse. Dr. Kalbfleisch's assistant.
 Roberta LouiseStephensEivor Minervudottir's biographer. A teacher. Aka: Ro.
 Flo Ro's aunt.
 Dr.KalbfleischRo's handsome ob-gyne.
 Mr.FiveyThe principal at Central Coast High.
 Boadicea The Queen of a Celtic tribe.
 MatildaQuarlesRo's star student. Young pregnant girl. Aka: Mattie.
   ACME - A grocery, hardware, and drugstone combined.
 OrlandoStephensRo's Father.
 Penny The English teacher in Central Coast. Ro's co-teacher.
 SusanM. KorsmoDidier's exhausted wife. Ro's friend. Aka: The Wife.
 The Mender'sMotherGinny's mother.
 GinnyPercivalThe mender. A drop out student. Aka: The Mender, Gin.
 Malky Ginny's goat.
 Hnas Ginny's goat.
 Ephraim Mattie's boyfriend. The father of Mattie's baby.
 Bjartur Eivor's uncle.
 BexKorsmoSusan and Didier's daughter.
 JohnKorsmoSusan and Didier's son. aka: Pliny, The Younger.
 Mrs.CostelloBex's babysitter. Ash's grandmother.
 DidierCostelloRoberta's co-teacher. Susan's husband.
 Clementine Ginny's client.
 Pinka Ginny's goat.
 TemplePercivalGinny's aunt. Aka: The Mender's Aunt.
   NILF - Nazi I'd like to f..k.
 Ash Clementine's sister. Mattie's bestfriend.
 Mr. BryanZakileA former soccer player. Mrs. Fivey's cousin.
 YasmineSalterMattie's bestfriend.
 Shell Bex's friend.
 Jessica Shell's mother.
 Blake Jessica's husband. A nutritionist.
 GunniMinervudottirEivor's brother.
 PeteXiaoRo's co-teacher. A math teacher in Central Coast.
 SamBellamyPirate. Aka: Black Sam.
 MariaHallettA woman who was inlove to Sam.
 GoodyHallettMaria's husband.
   Whydah - Captain Black Sam's stolen ship.
 Cotter Ginny's only friend.
 NouriWhitersOne of Ro's students.
 Renzo The widower's nephew.
 Euphrosyne Renzo's girlfriend.
 Sarah DoloresFiveyThe principal's wife. Aka: Lola.
 Bernadette Mattie's aunt.
 Jolly Ro's nurse.
 ArcherStephensRo's brother. Aka: Archie.
 OfficerWhitersA police officer.
 OfficerSmithOfficer Whiters's colleague.
 HarryRattrayEivor's young tutor. The Scottish author.
 Jupiter The last man that Ro had sex with.
 EdwardTilghmanSusan's former classmate in Law School. Ginny's lawyer.
 Chad Susan's ex-lover.
 CaptainHolmHarry Rattray's boss.
 DelphineGrayMattie's friend.
 EricaSalterRepresentative from Portland (District 43). Yasmine's mother.
 Stoughton The judge in Ginny's case.
 AdolphusGreelyThe American explorer.
 George GabrielStokesPhysical Science Secretary at The Royal State.
 L. Mattie's nurse.
 Dr.V.Mattie's doctor.